Pumpkin juice recipe - a wonderful taste of autumn

Sweet pumpkins are excellent for juicing. And this recipe is our favorite.

Odšťavňování dýně: Jde to skvěle!
Odšťavňování dýně: Jde to skvěle!

How to juice a pumpkin

  • Hokkaido pumpkins are the best for juicing, with their natural sweetness and high juice content.
  • Slice the pumpkin in half and remove the seeds. Cut off the skin with a knife and slice the pumpkin into pieces which can fit into your juicer's feeding tube.
  • Pumpkin can be juiced in any type of juicer.
  • If you are using a high-speed centrifugal juicer, drink the juice right away as it can oixidize.
  • If you use a slow juicer, it can be stored in the fridge for up to 48 hours.


  • 1 small pumpkin, peeled and seeded
  • 3-4 apples
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon


  1. Alternately juice the pumpkin and apple slices
  2. Add the vanilla extract and cinnamon
  3. Stir well

How we made it

VIDEO: Raw pumpkin juice

See the recipe here, along with some tips for juicing pumpkins.

sana supreme
sana supreme

Juicer in video: Sana 727 Supreme

Sana Supreme 727

  • The most advanced slow juicer on the market
  • Variable speed motor allows it to juice hard vegetables, soft fruit, and leafy greens
  • Homogenizing screen for nut butter, sorbet, almond milk, and low speed food processing
  • Cleans in under two minutes
Published: 25. November 2021