Fresh green apple lemonade

A super-refreshing cooler for hot summer days

This is a great recipe for hot summer days. It is full of antioxidants and has detoxifying benefits as well. Make a pitcher of it in the morning, and refresh it with ice to stay cool all day long.

Ingredients (makes 1 liter):

  • 3 large green apples (Granny Smith is recommended)
  • 3 lemons
  • Handful of fresh mint
  • 600 ml water (carbonated or still)
  • Ice cubes

Juice together the apples, lemons, and mint.  If you have organic lemons and prefer a bolder taste, you can juice them with some of the peel still on. Pour the juice into a pitcher or glass jar, add the water and ice. If it's too tart, add a bit of maple syrup or honey. 

Tip: If you have a vertical juicer with a juice cap, you can mix it all together in the juicer.  Just close the cap and slowly add the ingredients in the order listed above.  Let the juicer do the mixing for you for a few moments, then open the cap and you’ll have fresh lemonade on tap”

zelená limonáda
zelená limonáda
Published: 25. July 2019