Flavor your Valentine’s Day with aphrodisiac drinks

The way to man’s heart is through his stomach, but some food and drinks wake up passion more than others. Prepare a special Valentine’s smoothie according to our recipes and enjoy a perfect night!

Juice for Valantine´s day
Juice for Valantine´s day

Valentine’s Day

The way to man’s heart is through his stomach, but some food and drinks wake up passion more than others. Prepare a special Valentine’s smoothie according to our recipes and enjoy a perfect night!

The Greek goddess Aphrodite was the first one to use aphrodisiacs. She was supposedly very good at seducing men and her knowledge was handed over to other women. After thousands of years we know a lot of plants named after this mythic goddess, which influence sexual desire.

There are many kinds of fruits and vegetables with aphrodisiac effects. Let’s check them out!

Choose fruits and vegetables according to their features

There are many different opinions about aphrodisiac effects of fruits and vegetables on human body. Nevertheless, everything ‘s clear about their following features:

  • Look like genitals.
    Examples: strawberries, apricots, bananas
  • Contain selenium, zinc and vitamin E. These substances support functioning of genitals and provably wake your desire.
    Examples: lemon, blue berries, pears, spinach
  • Improve blood supply of mucous membranes. Mainly spicy food influences formation of endorphins, which boost your heart.
    Examples: chili, cinnamon, ginger
  • Help against stress. Enjoy your Valentine’s Day with no worries thanks to following fruits and vegetables.
    Examples: celery, black berries
  • Drain water out of body. Such food also stimulates - take some to fully enjoy your night
    Examples: cherries, grapes
  • Source of fast sugars. Get enough energy with sweet fruits.
    Examples: date, figs

Take ingredients at least from three categories and juice them. You can also flavor your drink with spices and honey. Serve it with fresh strawberries. You’ll never forget such a Valentine’s Day!

Do you already know what to juice on 14. February? If not, we have 3 special recipes for you.

Valentine ginger

It’s a very popular combination, which brings you lots of energy and desire.

  • 1/2 pineapple
  • 2 celery stems
  • cups of blue berries or black berries
  • a little piece of ginger

Somebody likes it spicy

If you like spicy food, add chili pepper to your juicer.

  • 4 carrots
  • 1 pear
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1/2 chili pepper
  • a bit of cinnamon

Smoothie for experimenters

This combination of spinach, raspberries and dates seems strange but it’s very tasty! You can flavor your drink with almond milk and spoon of cocoa.

  • 2 cups of fresh spinach
  • 1 banana
  • 2 cups of frozen raspberries
  • 5 dates
Smoothie for Valentine´s day
Smoothie for Valentine´s day

Get inspired by our recipes or use fantasy to prepare your valentine drink and tell us what you like the most!

Published: 12. February 2015